Monday, December 29, 2014

Today's Tao / No interference 2-8

«Today's Tao»

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If you have questions, I am more than happy to answer them.
Let's discuss the subject.


«My Koan Horoscope»

(available in Taoísmo en Español)

1. Big's capability seems incapable. / La habilidad del Grande parece torpeza. (Ch.45 / Bad luck)

2. If you hammer and sharpen it, you cannot keep it long. / Si lo martilla y afila, no puede guardarlo durante mucho tiempo. (Ch.9 / Good luck)

3. Guard stillness firmly. / ¡Mantenga Ud. la inmovilidad firmemente! (Ch.16 / Little luck)


Bad luck - Good luck - Little luck. Be clumsy. Be a fool. As Chuang Tzu says, "Do not move". With these three useful tools, you have already solved the majority of your problems, right? For the rest, let's send Love/Tao.

Please try Koan Horoscope (although it is in Spanish).

Naoto Matsumoto

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