Monday, December 15, 2014

Today's Tao / The beginning 1-3

«Today's Tao»

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Let's discuss the subject.


«My Koan Horoscope»

(available in Taoísmo en Español)

1. If you want to weaken something, you must strengthen it for a while. / Si desea debilitar algo, lo debe reforzar por un tiempo. (Ch.36 / Tao)

2. Where a division encamps, brambles will grow. / Donde una división acampa, zarzas crecerán. (Ch.30 / Good luck - Buena suerte)

3. He takes people's heart as his own. / (Él) toma el corazón de la gente como lo suyo. (Ch.49 / Middle luck - Media suerte)


There is neither longness nor shortness. There is only the act of judging. Let's try not to judge any, which is accepting all as they are, including our sentiments. Sometimes we think that we have lost Tao, but it is impossible because we are Tao itself. This is Tao's attainment. Today's Emptiness-Tao-Tao showed me Tao=Emptiness.

Please try Koan Horoscope (although it is in Spanish).

Naoto Matsumoto

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