Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Tao Te Ching Chapter 74 Reincarnation (playlist)

"(One can find his true Self) by eliminating your false self. In Christianity, it is called reincarnation. In Buddhism, it is called Kensho 見性, seeing into one's nature"
(Kitaro Nishida, ☞See 74-4)


"If you have Buddha between the beginning of life and the end of it, there is neither the beginning of life nor the end of it."

"If you don't have Buddha between the beginning of life and the end of it, you will not be lost between the beginning of life and the end of it."

(Dogen, ☞See 74-5)


"We must not think that our individual spirit goes somewhere after life. There is no such thing as the sea of eternity."
(Dogen, ☞Véase 74-3)


"不生 不滅 [fusho fumetsu] No life. No end of life." (☞See 74-2)


If you want to watch all the videos of Chapter 74 Reincarnation, please use this Playlist below.

To read the text, please click here.

If you want to read the entire text of Tao Te Ching, please visit «Tao by Matsumoto»

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Naoto Matsumoto

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