Friday, November 12, 2010

One who says / video 56-2 Tao Te Ching

Today's Tao

One who says does not know. (Ch.56)

Japan stories

Words can tell us more than we imagine sometimes.

For example, the word Satori is internationally known these days, but I wonder how many people have ever tried to think about it etymologically.

"Sa" means «thus» and "tori" «take».

Therefore, the entire word Satori tells us to take all as it is.

The photo above is a scene that the Japanese were once very familiar with.

It is a sort of gambling for kids and kids-at-heart. You pay some money (equivalent to the price of a Big Mac; if you are an adult, you have to pay the price of a Big Mac + French fries) and receive five to six cork tops, which are toy bullets. You stretch your arm with the toy rifle, stabilize the body, aim for the middle of the target and shoot. If the target falls down, you can get it.

The expensive targets are often too heavy and never fall down. All you can do is to laugh and make the shop owner happy.

In by-gone days, this "shateki" was something typical at a "matsuri", or a Japanese fanfare.

Etymologically speaking, the word "ma" means «empty space-time»; "tsuri" means «suspended».

The word "matsuri" tells us that festivity is a suspended emptiness.

To read the text for the video, please visit Tao by Matsumoto 56-2 One who says.

Tao answers your question!

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