Thursday, October 7, 2010

Tao Te Ching Chapter 53-5 Painted rice-cake / Empty granary

Today's Tao

The granary is totally empty. (Ch.53)

Don't judge anyone even if some people are starving.

A Zen master (香厳智閑 [Kyogen Chikan / Hsing-yen Chih-hsien / Xiangyan Zhixian]) said:

"A painted rice-cake does not satisfy hunger."

On the other hand, Master Dogen concludes the chapter of Gabyo 画餅 / a painted rice-cake in Shobogenzo 正法眼蔵, saying:

"If it is not a painted rice-cake, it must not be a remedy to satisfy hunger."

Hunger and a painted rice-cake are part of your hologram.

They exist to stimulate you to emit more fundamental energy (=Tao, =Love).

Just thank the empty granary.

«Related Articles»
-No intelligence 53-1
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-Painted rice cake / Empty granary 53-5
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-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 53

Tao answers your question!

☞The battle of Sekigahara / Sekigahara no Tatakai was the last of the big battles before the arrival of 230 years' peace in Japan. It took place in 1600. Miyamoto Musashi, an artist and samurai, is supposed to have written «The Book of Five Rings / Gorin no Sho» about 1645. Ihara Saikaku, a playwrite and son of a wealthy merchant, wrote «Five Women Who Loved Love / Koshoku Gonin Onna» in 1685. It took half a century for the Japanese to think that the art of battle is more important than real battles. It took another half century to think that the art of loving is more important that of battle.

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