Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tao Te Ching Chapter 39-18 Mean = Root

[Notice] Visit our new site Yama Uba the Zen play. Now it is completed!

Today's Tao

This act is making the mean their root, is it not? (Ch.39)

Water stays in the lower place.

That's the idea of the mean = the root.

This is how you can remember that you are one with Tao.

"Though you haven't crossed it yet, let others cross it first."

«[Ji mi toku do, sen do ta] 自未得度先度他».

Let's say "After you." as often as you can.

Then you will see that your own self and others are in fact part of the same hologram.

The most humble way is being like the baby Buddha who said:

"Above heaven, below heaven, I am the only respectable being."

«[Tenjo tenge yuiga doku son] 天上天下唯我独尊»

I hope you will understand this.

This is not haughty at all. He is saying everything is one.

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-Mean = Root 39-18
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-Tao by Matsumoto / Tao Te Ching / Chapter 39

Tao answers your question!

Previous video / Ch.39 text / Next video

-Yama Uba has often been used as a motif in Ukiyo-e. Although Yama Uba was considered grotesque and scary at the beginning, the Japanese started liking her supernatural power. Later on, she was associated with Kintoki, a powerful baby, and regarded as his mother. On the other hand, Zen Master Ikkyu gave her a different interpretation.

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