Saturday, June 26, 2010

Tao Te Ching Chapter 40-14 Square without corners

Today's Tao

Big's square has no corners. (Ch.40)

I wonder why human beings adore squares and straight lines.

We even want to go straight to the point.

We avoid a man who is not square.

We cannot really blame Swiss architect Le Corbusier and his Domino System for this human propensity.

But we have to know that a seemingly square object has no corners in reality.

A square is a holographic image projected in your mind.

Be round instead of square.

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Tao answers your question!

-"If one works on intelligence, a corner stands out. If one sticks a pole in sentiment, he will be swept away." I translated the sentences word by word. This is Soseki Natsume's well-known expression in «Kusamakura / a grass pillow». When "a corner stands out", it is not good at all in Japan. Being square is not necessarily considered useful in the life of the floating world.

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